Saturday 15 October 2011

Step #4: Cut carbs for two days a week only and not everyday!

Following a strict diet for just two days of the week is a far more effective way to lose weight than trying to calorie count all the time, researchers claim.
In a recent study, presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, British researchers found that women who eliminated carbohydrate-rich foods like bread, pasta, potatoes and rice two days a week and ate their normal diet the rest of the time lost an average of 9 lb. over four months. Meanwhile, women in a similar group who ate a 1,500-cal.-per-day Mediterranean-style diet for the same time period lost only 5 lb.

Women on the intermittent diet not only lost more weight but also showed greater improvements on other markers of health, including levels of insulin and leptin.

They found that women who stuck to fruit, vegetables and lean meat for two days a week while being allowed to eat as much as they liked on the other days lost nearly twice as much weight than those who were dieting constantly.

Dr Michelle Harvie, of the Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention Centre at the hospital, said there seemed to be a ‘carry over effect’ on the two-day diet, meaning the benefits continued on the days when the women ate normally.

Proceed to Post #5 This is really good, you will enjoy it, it is about eating more